Makerspaces as social and technological innovation platforms
Makerspaces as social and technological innovation platforms
In Sampola library, there is a public makerspace “Tekomo”. Free access to computer programs and equipment like 3D printers, guidance for beginners and the possibility to learn are essential for interested, but underprivileged, groups like young immigrants, in order to find like-minded hobbyists. In addition to socializing in library premises and the library staff involvement, peer support from other 3D users can help in societal integration.
The city of Tampere offers computers and other equipment for citizens use free of charge. The public library has computers available for customer use: Computers can be booked for up to three hours per session, depending on the unit. Pikanetti quick access computers can be used without prior booking. Computers can be booked online using the computer reservation system or by visiting or phoning the library. A library card and PIN code are needed when using library computers. The library computers are available for use free of charge. However, prints and copies are chargeable.
Once one has learned the basics, it becomes possible to join a makerspace community, like the Tampere Hacklab, or focus into further studies. Tampere University Fablab is a popular venue for students to gather and innovate while crafting their prototypes with laser cutters and CNC machines. Milla Virkki used 3D pen and wood filament to create earrings (photo).
Find more about Tekomo on Instagram:
Tampere Hacklab website:
and Tampere Fablab: Photo Milla Virkki
Photo by Milla Virkki
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