
Rosewood4.0 Rosewood Network – Sustainable Wood for Europe

Rosewood4.0 – Rosewood Network – Sustainable Wood for Europe

Rosewood4.0 presents an alternative approach to improve sustainable woodworking practices. Its aim is to harness digital solutions and ameliorate knowledge on sustainable methods to utilise wood. Furthermore, it aims to connect multiple actors along the forest value chain to reinforce the sustainability of wood mobilisation in Europe.

This project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, builds on the ROSEWOOD network of regional hubs: it extends the breadth of tools and solutions shared by stakeholders in Europe.

In effect, this digitalisation provided by Rosewood4.0 gives actors in the wood mobilisation value chain increased access and opportunities for sharing good practices and innovations in this field


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Photo Credit: Rosewood Network.

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